Victor Balykin, Troitsk, RUS
Almut Beige, Leeds, GB
Immanuel Bloch, Mainz, D
Antoine Browaeys, Orsay, F
Michael Chapman, Atlanta, USA
Ignacio Cirac, Garching, D
Peter Domokos, Budapest, H
Kris Helmerson, Gaithersburg, USA
Julien Laurat, Pasadena, USA
Peter Maunz, Michigan, USA
Dieter Meschede, Bonn, D
Jörg Helge Müller, Copenhagen, DK
Kater Murch, Berkeley, USA
Jean-Michel Raimond, Paris, F
Gerhard Rempe, Garching, D
Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulm, D
Jörg Schmiedmayer, Vienna, A
Harald Weinfurter, Munich, D
Reinhard Werner, Braunschweig, D
Claus Zimmermann, Tübingen, D
The participation is free of charge (full board, lodging and shuttle transfer from Munich airport to Herrsching). Application Deadline: 15. April 2007

The event is organized by Arno Rauschenbeutel and Axel Kuhn in the framework of the DFG Research Unit 635: Quantum Control and Simulation with Distributed Neutral Atoms Systems.